Saturday, March 21, 2020

Choosing A Top Tutoring Program

Choosing A Top Tutoring ProgramIf you are currently looking for tutoring services, you may be concerned about finding the best tutoring program that is appropriate for your child. In this article we will discuss some of the considerations when it comes to choosing a tutoring program.First, consider whether or not your child can and should be homeschooled. The majority of students who enroll in public schools want to go to a public school. As such, they may feel pressured into attending an online learning environment. This should be kept in mind when evaluating the program.Time and cost may also factor into the decision. You may have several other priorities when considering tutoring. This can also be used as a factor when choosing a program.Individual needs may also determine your decision. If you have a lot of patience and can spend hours with your child, tutoring online may be your choice. If you want to limit your children's time and cost, another option might be to choose one of the traditional methods of tutoring.Another factor to consider is what the public schools are offering. Most public schools offer tutoring courses in basic language arts, math, and science.Of course, you will want to consider what your children already have in order to help them improve certain learning skills. You may need to add activities that help them with the reading, writing, and arithmetic skills. Ultimately, you will want to work with the child to develop individualized learning objectives and goals.Programs like Turbo Tutoring are a great option for parents who would rather be home educated. Take the time to look at programs that are suited to your family and your child's needs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What to Know About IB Exams

What to Know About IB Exams Many high schools offer International Baccalaureate (IB) programs instead of, or in addition to, Advanced Placement (AP) programs. What is the IB program and what is the IB exam format? Youmay be wondering if theres anything youre missingsure, youve put your time into exam prep, but what else? If youre nervous about test day, a little information can go a long way. When youre past the point of prepping for the test but not yet sitting down for it, your mind may wonder: What should you expect? Thanks to the thousands of students per year who have taken this test before you, theres information available! What should you know about IB exams? Internal and external IB assessments As you may know, International Baccalaureate exams are administered in two sectionsinternal assessments and external assessments. Your internal assessment will be completed by your teacher and may include presentations, written work, etc. When you take this test, your teacher will grade you, in addition to an appointed IB moderator. [RELATED: How to Mentally Prepare for Test Day] The IB external assessment includes questions that may consist of the following: Essays Structured problems Short answer questions Data interpretation questions Text-response questions Questions based on case studies Multiple-choice questions (used sparingly) External IB exam format The exams are administered to you over approximately three weeks in either May or November, with care to avoid overburdening students with too many tests at once. Students shouldnt have more than six hours of exams in one day and exams are rarely given on Friday afternoons. If you are ill or absent, you may be able to take the exam the day before or after instead with authorization from the IB Assessment Centre. The IB program consists of six core academic areas, as shown in the table below: IB core academic area Related Courses Group 1: Language The student's first language, e.g., English for students in the U.S. Group 2: Second Language A foreign language Group 3: Individuals And Societies Economics, geography, history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, business, information technology Group 4: Experimental Sciences biology, chemistry, physics, environmental systems Group 5: Mathematics And Computer Science math and computer science related courses Group 6: The Arts visual arts, music, theatre arts How the IB exam is scored You will earn a grade between a one and a seven, seven being the highest. To earn your IB diploma, you need a total of 24 points. In addition to the test, you may also earn up to three points toward your diploma score by performing well on the theory of knowledge and extended essay components of your curriculum. Standard level and high level courses contribute the same amount of points to your overall score. [RELATED: What High School Students Should Know About IB Courses] The IB grading process Special care is given to select individuals to grade your exams who are consistent and objective throughout the process. Many of them are teachers within IB programs who are well acquainted with the subject and format. The program administrators give careful instructions and dismiss graders who dont meet requirements. This process takes place over several weeks and is fairly complicated. Following this time period, a final grade is awarded and released electronically to students. College credit for IB exams Because there is no official passing grade for IB exams, it is sometimes difficult to know whether or not you will receive college credit. Generally, the higher your score, the more likely you are to receive credit for your exam. Be sure to check with your potential colleges to get more specific information on how and when you might receive credit for your particular score. Best of luck during the IB exam weeks! Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Live Tutoring Sessions for Homework Assignment Help

Live Tutoring Sessions for Homework Assignment Help 0SHARESShare In today’s competitive world it is essential that students get the exact help they necessitate to complete their set homework correctly and on time. Students often face problems in handling their homework alone and as a result their grades suffer. At times it is not feasible for a classroom teacher to pay equal attention to every individual. As a result students are incapable to grasp important concepts properly. Online tutors not only pay one-on-one attention but also present the session in an interesting and innovative way. In such scenario, Tutor Pace a Texas based online tutoring website provide qualified and specially trained live tutors to offer online help for homework assignment at the most affordable rate. Parents may put aside all your worries now and depend on our expert online homework assignment. . Whatever may be the subject: history, physics, geography, English, mathematics etc. our tutors are ready to give you excellent help round the clock. Now you don’t have to rush to private tutors for homework help. The live tutoring session will help you to complete the set task within time from the comfort of your home. [starbox id=admin]

Probability help for students can be found under TutorPace

Probability help for students can be found under TutorPace Time helps us to get drenched into new ways of applications that helps to lessen our work load. Today with the advent of various types of new applications and other various types of new things life has become far easier than before. Everything is available with just a click away. Internet has lessened the work load to a large level. It has helped in finding and receiving various types of information that helps in making our lives easier. Working people find it easy if they can access anything that has an internet connection. A good internet connection helps in providing you with variety of help. It saves time and energy. Now, with the help of that internet only things are becoming handier. Earlier internet meant that children were to view and get into something wrong. Parents were very much worried about internet connection and about how much will it hamper a child’s future. But keeping all allegations behind internet has now come up with something new that is helpful as well as will bring in betterment in a child’s future. Yes, you may feel this to be just a joke, but things are going in such a direction. Internet has now arrived in with tuition classes as well. Journey of online tutoring services Various institutes have come up that helps tuition classes to get conducted over internet. Internet has been working as wonders for the past few years. Every small and big help can be available through internet. This is a new way through which students can get help. The online tutoring service may be new, but it has gained lot of popularity within such a limited time period. People like the concept and has made an attempt to go for it and avail its various services. The concept is about providing you with the learning experiences in an easy way than any private tutor will provide you. Today every private tutor is very much professional and thus they do not provide good concentration on any subject neither on any student. They only concentrate on making money and nothing else.  Many students are very much suffering from such type of teachers as they do not teach with perfection. Online tutors have been serving their candidates with perfection. This has been helping new students in a lot more ways than it would have been in case of any private tutor. The service comes up with various types of facilities that help in making students get attracted towards it in a lot more ways. The features are very much helpful for any student who is weak in any subject. Yes, it is true that these online tutoring facilities have various types of services within it. Every subject is being taught, homework help is provided preparation for various entrance examinations are also conducted. This is never possible with any of the private tutoring facility. Its now time to list down some of the functions or say some of the features that help in knowing the concept even better than before. Noted features of online tutoring facility There are various features, but it’s important that one should know the basic and the most important feature that will help them to know the entire concept in a far better way.   The teachers that are present in the institute are very much efficient with the subject and can handle the subject with ease and perfection. The teachers are all appointed after a very tough interview process. This helps the institutes to come up with various types of good teachers who can teach the subject with perfection and utter dedication than any other private tutors.   The teachers have excellence in any particular subject that they are teaching and thus students can cope up with the subject in a lot more easy way than before. The best part of online tutoring is that the teachers first of all make a structured plan on any student noting down what are the areas a student is weak in and then plan a strategy to help the student cope up with it. a weak student can easily come up with its problems in front of the teacher. They can clear their doubts instantly and this helps them to move further with the subject.   The online tutoring facility is available all round the clock. It depends on the students can when and how they will attend and manage the class. The teachers are also present all time so that they can help the students whoever has arrived in with any kind of problem. The students also can avail the classes anytime they want.   Not only subjects, but different other educational help is also provided by these institutes. Different homework help, assignment completion, helping a student in his or her projects are also a part of services of these online tutoring institutes.   Every student is attended by every single teacher and thus it helps a student to come up with any kind of doubt that they have. The shy feeling of a weak student is not found with these classes as they do not have to feel embarrassed about their inability to know the subject well. They can deeply know and understand the subject with the help of online tutors. So these are various types of facility that online tutoring service can provide you. Now you may think for which institute to go for. I can help you with that as well. Tutorpace is one of the good and reputed service providers who can help you by providing you with different types of help that are mentioned below. Good teachers, fair teaching, no time limitation are the basic facilities that it provides. The charges that are charged for any kind of service is also very less and this helps in making the middle class family also to afford the tuition service with ease. Probability help for students is also a service that is much in demand by TutorPace.  

What is it Like to Attend Columbia University

What is it Like to Attend Columbia University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Julia is a New York City tutor and 2012 graduate of Columbia University. She majored in Ecology and Evolution Environmental Biology. Julia specializes inseveral subjects including Geometry tutoring, Statistics tutoring, and Organic Chemistry tutoring. Check out her review of Columbia: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Julia: Columbia is in New York City, of course, so public transportation is excellent. The 1 line on the subway will take you wherever you need to go in Manhattan, and theres a bus that stops at Columbia that goes directly to LaGuardia Airport. As for safety, New York City in general and the Columbia neighbourhood in particular are much safer than people think. Its not the 80s anymore. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Julia: Professors and TAs are generally very personable and available, unless your professor is someone really famous, like Jeffrey Sachs. Academic advisers are available by appointment, but arent terribly helpful. If you have a problem with your schedule or your credits or anything else academic, you need to take the initiative. Try to solve it yourself, and if you cant, then go to your adviser with specific demands that they can fulfill. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Julia: The rooms arent great until senior year, but honestly, who cares? Youre in New York City. People pay $1000/month to live in much worse housing than this, and if you dont like it, you can always strike out on your own and live off-campus. The housing for seniors is fantastic, though. The food is pretty bad at Columbia, but you can use your dining plan to eat at the Barnard cafeteria, which is better. All the same, Id advise that you get off the meal plan as soon as possible. I started cooking for myself my sophomore year, and the upshot is that Im a much better cook than most people my age. As for location and socialization that hardly needs saying. If you use your evenings well, youll make tons of friends both on and off campus. Im from New York and even so I can say I had my most thrilling urban adventures while at Columbia. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Julia: The biggest majors at Columbia are History, Economics, and Political Science, but youll find incredibly dedicated and intelligent people in every department. My major was Ecology, Evolution Environmental Biology, which I think is a hidden gem at Columbia. Everyone in the major does a thesis, which gets generous funding from the department. I had the opportunity to do my thesis research in Kenya. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Julia: Making friends at Columbia is easy if you want to make friends. You cant be shy or passive about it. If you dont reach out to people, you could float along in a bubble of solitude and no one will notice. But if you go out, talk to strangers, take part in campus activity, then youll have more friends than you know what to do with. I know I did. There is absolutely no need to take part in Greek life to make friends in fact, Id advise against it, given all the recent scandal with Columbia fraternities. They constitute less than 10% of the undergraduate body and have a poor reputation to boot. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Julia: Not very helpful. If you want an administration that will nurture you and guide you every step of the way, dont go to Columbia. There are millions of opportunities available to Columbia students, but you have to find them yourself. No one will show you the way. Thats not to say that there arent recruiters on campus, but the most aggressive ones are from Wall Street banks, and frankly I think theyre evil. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Julia: The libraries are numerous and architecturally beautiful. Be sure to branch out beyond Butler, our most famous and most used library, especially around finals time when it gets crowded. Im personally fond of the Teachers College library, which is great for group study sessions because youre allowed to talk, within reasonable volume limits. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Julia: I dont know what to say about New York City that people dont already know. Its constant excitement. If you want to do something completely new and mind-boggling every single day, you can (though youll exhaust yourself very quickly.) Columbia is in Morningside Heights, which compared to the rest of Manhattan is pretty low-key, though low-key for Manhattan is high-octane compared to anywhere else. One thing Ill say is that not enough Columbia students venture out of Morningside Heights. Theres plenty to do in the neighborhood, but to me it seems the pinnacle of laziness to forgo a short trip on the subway to enjoy the rest of the city. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Julia: Columbia is just about medium-sized in the scale of things: big enough that you can maintain your privacy, small enough that you dont get lost in a faceless crowd. The class sizes never bothered me. Obviously, something like Intro Chemistry is going to be a big lecture class, but all the core curriculum classes are small, as all the really important classes are. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Julia: Columbia is famous for its core curriculum, a suite of classes that everyone must take. Personally, I had a great time with the core curriculum and Ill never forget my Contemporary Civilization class. The professor was much like Socrates, the ancient philosopher about whom we read so much: he questioned everything the students argued. He let no belief go unfounded, no unconscious bias go unmasked. By the end of the class, I internalized him. I interrogate everything I hold dear, and anything that can survive that scrutiny I keep, and anything that doesnt hold up I discard. I think the core curriculum turns you into a very thoughtful person, if youre willing to open your mind and give up your pretensions. Check out Julias tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

The New York University College Experience

The New York University College Experience The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Adrianna is a Cincinnati tutor and 2013 graduate of New York University. She tutors several subjects, specializing in Elementary Math tutoring, French tutoring, and Reading tutoring. Check out what Adrianna had to say about her time at New York University: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. How urban or rural is the campus? Did you feel safe on campus? Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Adrianna: New York University is definitely an urban campus, as most of its buildings are in the heart of Manhattans Greenwich Village. That does not mean it is unsafe, however. Walking between the dorms, library, and dining halls at all hours of the night, I never felt unsafe. Just use common sense like you would in any situation, and you will have nothing to worry about. New York University does offer shuttle buses that run on a schedule throughout the day and night. You can also make use of the schools rental bikes, or the citys Citi Bike program. Walking, or taking the citys subway or buses, is also perfectly safe and sometimes more reliable! VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Adrianna:I never had any trouble getting in touch with professors or advisers when I needed to. In fact, some of them were more reliable about keeping meetings than I was! This varies from program to program, but I have definitely heard more positive than negative feedback about students getting the help they need. Remember: your professors and advisers want you to succeed! Take advantage of their office hours, and schedule meetings whenever you can to discuss how you are doing. I promise, it makes all the difference! You will be more engaged in your education, and if you do find yourself in a rough patch, professors and advisers will be much more understanding if they know you well and understand what you are going through! VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Adrianna:New York University is very different from more traditional colleges in a lot of ways, and dorms and dining are among the most stark differences. For starters, there are no communal bathrooms in any of the dorms. Most of them have a kitchen area. They are also the nicest apartments you are likely to ever have in New York City. This is a blessing and a curse definitely enjoy it while you can, but do not expect your first off-campus apartment to be as nice as your dorm, unless you are prepared to pay sky-high rent! There are plenty of opportunities to socialize with other students, but because the university is so large, you have to do some of the legwork. Meet people on your floor, in your hall council, in classes, in one of the hundreds of clubs and societies, or out on the lawn in Washington Square Park! But one of the best things you can do is to get out in the city and make friends outside of school! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Adrianna:This is the main reason I chose New York University. I went to the Gallatin School of Individualized Study because that particular program allows you to design your own course of study. If you have an oddly-specific subject you want to study and cannot find a school that offers it as a major, come to Gallatin! It is also great for people who have an idea of the general area they are interested in, but not specifically enough to commit to any one major. Gallatins professors and advisers are some of the most interesting and intellectually engaging people I have ever met, and I really could not have been any more supported. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Adrianna:New York University does have some fraternities and sororities, but Greek life is not really a big player in campus life for the majority of students. People tend to come to New York University because they want to buck the trends, and Greek life does not really lend itself to that. But there are so many other opportunities to meet people and make friends that you will not even miss it. Some of my best friends to this day are people I met in my Freshman Residence Hall Council. And all the Resident Assistants in the dorms are very good at getting you involved in events and excursions into the city. It is New York City, so there is no shortage of people to meet. You just have to get out there and meet them! VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Adrianna:I did not take as much advantage of New York Universitys Wasserman Center for Career Development as I perhaps should have, but from what I understand, they are a fantastic resource! The Stern School of Business and Tisch School of the Arts are internationally renowned, and their alumni are in high demand all over the place. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Adrianna:That depends on whether or not it is exam time! For most of the semester, public study areas are plentiful and easily available. I spent many a night camped out in a corner of Bobst Library, leaving my computer and books unattended while roaming the stacks, popping down to the vending machines, or stepping outside for some fresh air. The dorms all have their own study lounges, as do most of the academic buildings and the campus Starbucks. But once again, it is New York. There are literally thousands of coffee houses, libraries, parks, and bookstores where you can study if your dorms study lounge is full! VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Adrianna:The five years I spent living in New York City were the best of my life. There is an embarrassment of cultural riches, and the opportunities for exploration and adventure are literally endless. When you live in the greatest city in the world, it is definitely hard to be bored! City living is not for everyone, though. It takes a certain kind of toughness to live there, especially after graduation, but if you have the right stuff, you will have the time of your life! VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Adrianna:The student body is huge, with something like 50,000 students in total. But with 1,300 or so faculty, it is easy to get small class sizes! Of course, some courses will inevitably be large lectures, but for the most part, classes are small. At the Gallatin School of Individualized Study, for example, the maximum class size is 16. The smallest class I had was four students. So you get a lot of individualized attention, and you really get to know your classmates. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Adrianna:The most memorable experience of my college career was traveling the world with my classmates and professors! Through the Gallatin School of Individualized Studys honors society and my own study abroad semester, I traveled to South Africa, England, the Netherlands, Spain, Poland, and Morocco, all within two years! I reached through the bars of Nelson Mandelas cell on Robben Island, walked through a gas chamber at Auschwitz, and sat in a pew in the cathedral nestled inside the Grand Mosque in Crdoba. These life-changing experiences really helped me put my life in perspective, and they helped shape my academic concentration. Check out Adriannas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

3 Thesis Struggles and How to Overcome Them

3 Thesis Struggles and How to Overcome Them Writing a thesis a major paper or essay is no small feat. Imagine you have finished the research, gathered your data, and created your main premise: now it is time to shape all of your information into the body of a thesis. Here are three thesis struggles you might run into along the way, as well as strategies to overcome them: 1. Unclear claim A strong thesis relies on a clearly written and understood line of argument. To come up with your central claim, look for patterns that emerge across all of your data. You want to make a claim that is not completely obvious; it should add something new to your classroom dialogue on the subject. At the same time, your claim should not be too far-fetched, as these kinds of statements are typically difficult to support with evidence. Do not think too big or too small, and make sure you can back up the claim with data or other forms of evidence. If you can, run your argument by a classmate, writing tutor, or even your professor. Avoid abstractions and scale back your language as much as possible. This way, your thesis will start off on solid ground. Theseare some great tips to boostyour writing skills. 2. No structure or cohesion Once you have a central claim that you feel good about, you should organize your thesis in a logical way. Before drafting, list out your claim, main ideas, and supporting details in an outline. You may want to take advantage of templates on your word processing program or print a sample outline from the Internet. Do not limit yourself to a single sheet of paper if you like, spread notecards out on the floor or stick post-it notes on your wall. Color-code related information to make connections across ideas. If you have already started to write, an outline is still a useful tool. Dont be afraid to move information around or eliminate irrelevant ideas or sections. You can always find other resources or add information later if necessary. You may find that your thesis makes more sense if some elements are presented in a new order, or if they are slightly tweaked. Here are some great tips for writing an essayyou may find useful as well. 3. Lack of adequate and relevant support Even if you are comfortable with the claim or organization of your thesis, your main ideas may not have adequate or relevant support. Double-check that all of your examples relate directly to the main idea, which in turn should connect to the central claim. Do you have enough examples for each main idea? It is unlikely that you need the same number of examples for each, but every idea you present should be supported by a proper amount of evidence. Consider widening your research base if you do not have enough support. Look at your current sources to see where those authors found their information. You may be able to find other books, articles, or online research that will strengthen your overall thesis. Writing a thesis is an exercise in synthesizing and condensing information in a presentable way. It may seem like a solitary or highly individualized activity, but you are not alone! Along with the strategies shown here, you can consult others in your academic community. Use these tips and conquer your thesis struggles now.

How to Create 3D Drawings

How to Create 3D Drawings How to Draw in 3D ChaptersWhat is a 3D drawing?How do I Draw in Perspective?How Do I Create an Optical Illusion Effect in a Drawing?A Selection of Tutorials to Learn 3D Drawing3D Drawing: The Best Apps!Which Pens Should I Use for 3D Drawing?Tips for Easy 3D Drawing“That which we perceive is not of the world, but of the brain’s model of the world.”This quote from Chris Frith makes sense when you realise how successful 3D drawings can mislead and distort our perception.And yet, representing reality in all its dimensions on only a flat surface is not that easy when you start drawing, yet it is fundamental to many different types of art.What are the best techniques for drawing in 3D?How can you create the illusion that a drawing isn’t flat?In this article you’ll find techniques for drawing in perspective and mastering anamorphic art, and learn to draw various models realistically. And why not try it out using a 3D pen? FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tuto rs EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SabrinaDrawing Teacher 4.33 (3) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is a 3D drawing?What is the difference between a 2D and a 3D drawing? Well, the answer is pretty simple.When we draw in 2D (two dimensions), we produce a sketch on our paper with no sense of volume. All that is really taken into account is the width and height of our object. But when we draw in 3D, we include a third dimension: depth. It’s stating the obvious to say that drawing in 3D makes a drawing more realistic, considering that it’s more faithful to the small details that the eye observes in reality. It copies reliefs and distances, and keeps the same proportions as in reality, for instance when drawing a face.From putting into perspective to grasping optical illusions, 3D drawing takes various forms and requires strong competency in drawing.How do artists completely master these drawing techniques?How can you give the illusion that a flat drawing jumps off the page?The first thing you need to know for creating volume in a drawing is how to draw in perspective.How do I Draw in Perspective?Perspective is the technique which allows you to draw an object in space in three dimensions. The drawer takes into account the depth of the scene and reproduces the object as it is perceived from their own point of view.Learn basic techniques to mimic reality. Photo on VisualHunt.comCavalier perspective consists of giving an object volume by adding a structure of parallel lines. This is a type of drawing that we predominantly fin d in geometry to represent a cube, for example.Linear perspective is often used in drawing. In order to create a good linear perspective, we generally concentrate on these two elements:A horizon lineOne or more vanishing points.From these elements, by drawing lines we can create a grid that will work as visual guides for drawing the various parts of our scene.There are many different types of linear perspectives, which helps the drawer create depth and volume in their work:Frontal perspective: the eye is facing the scene front-on. The drawing is based on the horizon line at eye level, and all the lines meet at one sole vanishing point.Oblique perspective: we see this in two directions. The composition has two vanishing points. This type of perspective uses two vanishing points, allowing you to draw cubes and other geometric shapes by taking into account their real shape and depth.Aerial perspective: here we take into account all the dimensions of the object by working on its represe ntation with three vanishing points. This is the most realistic perspective, predominantly used in architecture to represent furniture, for example.Mastering drawing in perspective is necessary to create a realistic drawing and give it volume, such as drawing a hand for example. Drawing in 3D is not about improvisation. You need to really use your eyes and take in the proportions of your object as faithfully as possible. Representing characters or objects by properly observing the effects of depth is crucial for great 3D drawing.Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is an example of the atmospheric perspective technique. Photo on VisualHunt.comSome artists use another type of perspective as well: atmospheric perspective.It could be compared to a camera and its focus. This perspective is based on impressions. This means that whatever is in the foreground is drawn in a clear and precise way, but the more you look in depth, the more the details are unclear. Some artists also play on colours an d gradients as well to create this effect of depth: the cooler the colours, the less precise the details of the scene.This is a technique developed and used by Flemish painters of the 15th century, but it is also seen in the work of Leonardo da Vinci, notably in the Mona Lisa.How Do I Create an Optical Illusion Effect in a Drawing?Those who master the art of drawing in perspective achieve an even more impressive result in their work. The objects seem to literally jump of the page and come to life.When a drawing is successful it gives the impression of coming to life and really takes on three dimensions. It’s a great start for designing an eye-catching company logo too!This impression is an optical illusion, which is only noticeable from one specific angle. When you look at an anamorphic drawing you have to look at it a certain way in order to see the result in 3D. From any other angle, you’ll only see a distorted image.How Do I Create a Picture that Jumps off the Page?Learn to b ring your drawings to life with some simple techniques. Photo credit: Abi Skipp on Visual HuntYou need to learn the right technique. It’s not only necessary to know how to distort an image correctly, but for the result to be really realistic, you also need to master basic drawing techniques. There are quite a few steps to get from the first sketch to the finished piece. You will to know how to draw each detail of your subject, and also how to paint or colour your drawing for effect.To create an anamorphic drawing, you’ll need to distort the image that you wish to represent on paper. The main techniques that will help you draw an anamorphic image are:Use a camera to capture your object in a photo, which you can print or display to help you sketch it accuratelyUse computer software to distort the object that you wish to represent so that you can draw it easilyUse a grid system to draw the object in its correct proportionsCut out part of the outline of the drawing to reinforce the 3D impressionUse multiple sheets or fold a sheet to achieve the desired volume effectMany artists have been able to master the art of anamorphic drawing, such as Leon Keer and Kurt Wenner. You can sometimes even come across 3D art on the ground or on walls in public spaces. Many street artists produce striking realist pieces.Between gaping holes in the middle of the pavement and sharks protruding from the road, there are many performances from artists such as Edgar Mueller and Julian Beever, for example, that are really impressive.You could even use this technique to design your own tattoo! FernandoDrawing Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidDrawing Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaDrawing Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenDrawing Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SabrinaDr awing Teacher 4.33 (3) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Julia janeDrawing Teacher 5.00 (5) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvelinaDrawing Teacher £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsA Selection of Tutorials to Learn 3D DrawingTo train yourself up in 3D drawing, it’s important to master the basic drawing techniques. You can practice really easily thanks to the huge range of online tutorials that are available online, with step-by-step guides to help you improve you sketches and create a realistic 3D drawingYou will find tutorials for all different levels, whether you are a total beginner or an experienced drawer.Among some of the easiest things to draw, this clever tutorial shows you how to draw a Rubic’s Cube in 3D, giving the impression of levitating above the paper. This well-explained guide will familiarise you with the basic techniques, which you can then transfer onto other objects:How to draw a 3D Rubik's CubeThe following video reveal s the secret for drawing a 3D open door. You’ll see how, by cutting the bottom of the paper, you can create a really realistic effect:How to draw a 3D open doorHere, you will discover how lines can help create volume. In this instructive video, you will learn to draw a half-sphere in 3D. With the same principle, you will also be able to draw other 3D objects such as hands:How to draw a 3D half sphereMore experimental artists could try a 3D drawing of a great white shark, which seems truer than life thanks to this video:How to draw a 3D sharkDesign Software to Help with 3D DrawingThere are lots of different types of 3D software. Used for all sorts of purposes, they allow you to create synthesised three-dimensional images.From 3D architecture to 3D modelling to 3D animation, the design industry has so many options for creating things in three dimensions â€" today, 3D is everywhere. It is even exceeded by augmented reality and 4D cinema. With 3D modelling software, creatives can now even use 3D printers to realise their designs.As an amateur designer, you can easily find some free design software to use. Software is generally fairly intuitive and simple to use, allowing you to familiarise yourself and experiment with three-dimensional vision.Which design software should I choose?What is the best software?That all depends on your needs. You can use 3D design software online or opt for one that you download to your computer. Here are a few examples of 3D software you could use:Photoshop: an abcolute essential for all graphic designers, it offers infinite possibilities for design, very much like Adobe Illustrator.Krita and Artweaver: these are also great programmes for design which both have their own advantages.Google Sketchup: perfect for 3D modelling, this software was initially built for architecture and interior decoration.Blender: this 3D modelling and animation software is one of the main points of reference for experts.Autocad: this is one the most used pl atforms for creating 2D and 3D designs.Manga Studio EX: perfect for creating 2D and 3D cartoon or manga art.3D Drawing: The Best Apps!If you want to learn to draw in 3D, there are other interesting tools at your disposal: tablet or smartphone 3D drawing applications. They will accompany you everywhere, all throughout the day. It’s therefore really easy to improve your drawing skills and techniques when you have a spare moment, be it in your lunchbreak or on your commute to work!On your phone or tablet you’ll be able to learn to draw volume in order to achieve a realistic 3D effect.3D drawing is one of the most popular drawing techniques. Whether you want to become a professional or simply improve your skills for fun, you’ll easily find the perfect for you.Here at Superprof, we’ve selected some of the best apps for you which offer great guidance and techniques. From 3D modelling to learning to draw in realistic perspective, there is an app for all tastes and all ages!To learn 3D drawing simply follow the steps in this app! Source: to Draw 3D, to progress at your own paceThis app is accessible for younger ages, starting from the age of 8 up. It’s a clear app for helping you learn to draw in 3D and easily create optical illusions.The app is pretty well made and easy to use. You can choose a 3D drawing model and then discover all the different steps to reproduce the image yourself. A simple but effective app for understanding the essential steps of 3D drawing at your own pace.How to Draw 3D and Illusion, videos dedicated to 3D drawingThis app is also really great on a pedagogical level, teaching you to draw in 3D with its tutorial videos. The app actually gathers all the best YouTube tutorials on the subject, so you get the best drawing lessons for kids possible. It’s especially useful when you can’t find good online tutors yourself and want drawing lessons for beginners.The app is updated every week so that you can discover load s of new videos and techniques at the click of a button!Tilt Brush, virtual reality 3D drawingDrawing in 3D just got even more exciting thanks to Tilt Brush, an app which lets you pain in 3D space with virtual reality. Even though it’s not an app strictly for learning 3D drawing techniques on paper, it’s still a great tool for discovering different, creative ways to work in 3D!With a virtual reality headset, you can let your imagination take free rein and create 3D art in a virtual world.Leopoly, to create 3D charactersAvailable on tablets and also on your PC, Leopoly is an app which allows you to create 3D characters and modify them exactly to your specifications thanks to the numerous tools at your disposal.This is an app that all animation and comic fans will appreciate, helping you to design and bring to life your very own characters!Tinkercad, 3D design for beginnersTinkercad is an Autodesk app which also offers a wide range of design software for professionals and amateurs alike. Tinkercad makes 3D drawing simple with an easy-to-use display â€" making it an essential for 3D designers!The app is based on shapes that can be assembled to build up your designs. Anyone can bring their creations to life with the 3D printing feature, so now you don’t have to be an expert to get creative with 3D modelling.Tinkerplay, perfect for kids!Autodesk also offers Tinkerplay, a really popular modelling app for children as it allows you to easily create 3D characters and creatures. You start from a basic model, which you can personalise by experimenting with the different elements and features. You can then print or order your 3D characters. It’s the perfect app for a lively imaginationWhich Pens Should I Use for 3D Drawing?Because 3D drawing also entails virtual reality, 3D printing and 3-dimensional writing, it’s impossible to talk about the subject without mentioning 3D pens.So what is a 3D pen? It’s an innovative tool which operates on the same principle as a 3D printer. The 3D pen allows you to write and draw in 3 dimensions with its simple function: the pen heats the plastic, which cools when released onto a support. This means you can create 3D structures really easily and quickly.You can use an object to help you draw contours in 3D, build parts and assemble them, or simply let your imagination run free!A 3D pen can contain one of two types of plastic: ABS or PLA. The choice of plastic that you opt for is important for different types of projects.ABS is a material that cools instantly, so it’s ideal for 3D drawing. It’s a plastic made from petroleum, which allows you to easily create different shapes which will hold their structure well. You can make all sorts â€" straight and curved lines, spirals, and geometric shapes. It’s also very useful for 2D writing creations that you can peel off and use as you wish.PLA cools less rapidly, taking longer to solidify. PLA is mainly composed of starch and natural materials, and is biod egradable. It is better suited for 3D writing as it adheres well to a support, such as cardboard, metal or ceramics. It’s useful for drawing 2D images that won’t peel off.How do I choose a 3D pen?Browse the market for the perfect 3D pen to suit your needs! Photo credit: yourbestdigs on VisualHunt.comUnlike 3D printers which are only available to particular groups of people, 3D pens appeal to a large demographic because they are affordable and accessible.  Both amateur and professional artists are intrigued by the idea of 3D drawing, and it amuses children for hours â€" it’s the perfect hobby for those who love building and realising their designs, providing infinite opportunities for invention!The first 3D pen was the 3Doodler. Today it’s in its third generation, and this latest version is more precise and reliable than ever, at an affordable price.There are many different models of 3D pens today. They are available at all prices, with varying choice depending on your perso nal needs and expectations. There are a few elements to take into account when making your choice, such as:The design and weight of the pen: this is an important element to facilitate the handling and accuracy of your 3D drawing.LCD display: another important point when using a 3D pen is monitoring its functions, such as the pen’s temperature. The temperature makes it possible to experiment with the effects of the plastic.The price: obviously, your budget will influence your choice of pen, but this will also affect the quality of pen that you will look for and afford. You can find 3D pens for less that £50, but they aren’t always the best quality.The brand: among the field of big names in the world of 3D pens, the mentionable ones are 3Doodler, Lix pens, Yestech 3D, 7tech 3D and GENESIS.Tips for Easy 3D DrawingWhether you love new technologies or you prefer putting pen to paper the old fashioned way, you can quickly progress with drawing if you take some online classes!You coul d learn to draw all sorts of objects such as buildings, hands, or faces, or even create your own comic book.You will benefit so much from the advice and experience of an expert drawing teacher, who will help you master the art of drawing in perspective, 3-dimensional drawing and realism.But taking online art classes is not enough to completely master the techniques of three-dimensional drawing. You will also have to acquire specific skills, which can only be done with patience and through regular practice in your own time.To become a real expert in 3D drawing, start by following these tips:Practice lots of varied drawing exercises so that you can work on the effects of perspective and volume.Learn to observe and draw the small details of you object for a realistic result â€" after all, 3D drawing is based on technically accurate and realistic reproduction of an object. To successfully draw 3D images, whether on paper or a tablet, it’s essential to master the basics of drawing (suc h as proportions, light and shadow, perspective, details).Practice regularly to make it second nature. Carrying a sketchbook around with you is a great start to incorporate drawing into your everyday life.Get inspired by artists and pieces that you love, and watch online tutorials to learn how to draw just like them.So are you ready to start 3D drawing? Grab your pencil or charcoal and don’t forget your rubber…or your tablet!Find tutors for drawing lessons throughout the UK on Superprof:Drawing courses LondonDrawing courses BirminghamDrawing lessons GlasgowDrawing lessons online